
Portfolio Service 


The Portfolio Service provides a comprehensive overview of your portfolio and gives you immediate access to all the information you and your Adviser need to manage your investments effectively.



Shaw and Partners’ Portfolio Service allows you to outsource the day-to-day administration of your portfolio to a team of skilled professionals. We take the hassle out of investing by providing you with an all-encompassing investment administration service.  We will collect and record all the essential information about your investments, including asset performance, share trading activity, dividend and interest payments. Our comprehensive reports coupled with 24-hour online access to your portfolio will give you and your Adviser the ability to know exactly where your portfolio stands at any point in time.


As part of the service, Shaw and Partners will keep you informed of rights issues, take-over bids, share purchase plans or any other corporate actions associated with your portfolio. If you wish to participate, we will execute the mechanics of the transaction and manage all the corresponding paperwork. With the Portfolio Service, Shaw and Partners delivers the professional support you need so you can enjoy building and managing a successful investment portfolio.


Benefits of the Portfolio Service 


The Portfolio Service allows you to actively manage your portfolio without being weighed down by the essential but time-consuming task of completing paperwork and administering your assets.


Successful portfolio management requires constant supervision.

Expert portfolio administration
Direct ownership
Centralised portfolio management
Online access to your portfolio
Professional investment guidance
Regular investment reporting
Consolidated annual reporting
Tax information and optimisation

Easy online access to your portfolio


The Portfolio Service offers you access to a sophisticated online administration platform that provides accurate and comprehensive reporting on your investments. Online access eliminates the need for you to wait for written statements, or to sort through paperwork to check the value of your investments.




To find out more about our Portfolio Service, please arrange an obligation-free, initial consultation today. 


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