Excitement builds for Shaw and Partners WA Race Week 19 Nov 2019

This year marks the inaugural launch of the Shaw and Partners WA Race Week in Perth, a highlight of the Australian Ocean Racing Series.


The event, held from November 16-23, is set to become the biggest week in the Australian ocean paddling calendar, with five events spread over seven days, and a prize pool of $100,000.


The five events will run over various distances to find the best surf ski ocean paddler globally, and will include:

  • Saturday November 16: Fenn West Coast Downwind.
  • Tuesday November 19: The Ben Hewitt Sunset Surf Ski Series Race.
  • Thursday November 21: The Ben Hewitt Sunset Surf Ski Series Race.
  • Friday November 22: The Shaw and Partners Dash for Cash – prize money: $15,000.
  • Saturday November 23: The Shaw and Partners ‘The Doctor’ – prize money: $50,000


Shaw and Partners sponsors the Australian Ocean Racing Series, being Australian-owned and encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle and, adding to the already attractive prize money from The Doctor and Dash for Cash events, has contributed an additional cash incentive of $35,000 to attract the very best paddlers from all over the world.


Points across all events will count towards the $35,000 in bonus cash and prizes.


“We are looking forward to continuing to play a very active part in a sport that continues to grow in popularity both across Australia and internationally,” Shaw and Partners Co-CEO Earl Evans said.


“For the second year running, an equal cash incentive has been announced for the winner of the men’s and women’s open across both the Doctor and Dash for Cash races.


“By offering an equal prize pool for men and women alike, Shaw and Partners aims to create a dynamic and supportive network within the Australian Ocean Racing Series through engagement, empowerment and support.”


Read the full page article published in the West Australian: Excitement builds for Shaw and Partners WA Race Week


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